If managed well, it could underpin a new wave of prosperity and growth for Australia. But if mishandled, it could result in a significant destruction of value, erosion of the tax base, loss of employment, and in turn, less money for social services such as infrastructure, hospitals and schools.
We already know that the Australian sector is unique, with our latest research showing Australian business owners are almost twice as likely to sell their business compared with their global counterparts.
‘Once in a Lifetime’ shines a light on the Australian private and family business landscape, providing insight into the key issues, opportunities and outcomes for the sector.
In this report, we set the scene by exploring the drivers behind the great Australian wealth transfer and outlining what’s at stake. We discuss the different paths retiring or exiting business owners are taking, share their experiences, and offer guidance on what owners need to do to make sure their next move – succession or sale – is a success.
Getting this once in a lifetime opportunity right is in everyone’s interest.
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Australia's private and family business sector plays a fundamental role in Australia's economy and society.
Australia's private and family business sector plays a fundamental role in Australia's economy and society. As the custodians of these businesses reach retirement age, ensuring the ongoing success of these businesses, including navigating succession or sale, is crucial to Australia's prosperity.
Almost four in ten of the next generation are particularly keen on playing a bigger role in helping their family business make a positive contribution towards society. And a large proportion see social responsibility as an integral part of what the family business does.
Taking a more professional and strategic approach to social responsibility can provide next gens with the opportunity to sharpen their business acumen. And measuring the impact of their philanthropic efforts can result in 'better giving'.
In 'Once in a Lifetime: Making a difference', we explore key trends in philanthropy amongst family businesses, and the steps you can take to ensure your philanthropy is effective and sustainable.