Advisory Co-Leader, PwC Australia
Rob Silverwood is the Advisory Co-Leader at PwC Australia, a member of PwC Australia's Management Leadership Team and the Executive Sponsor for the firm's Business Model Reinvention program. He is responsible for co-leading the Australian Advisory business which is made up of 250 partners and 2000 people across Consulting, Deals and PwC Private.
Rob, based in Melbourne, has over 20 years’ experience with PwC Australia and has extensive international experience, including two years working with PwC China in the Beijing office. Rob is passionate about relationships with his clients and teams which provide him with a great source of energy and motivation.
Rob has worked with a variety of corporate and private equity clients on a range of due diligence projects, both buy side and sell side, demergers, Initial Public Offerings, hostile takeovers.
Rob is a member of the Victorian Advisory Board of the Starlight Children's Foundation, is a member of Chartered Accountants ANZ and holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Monash University. He is married to Georgie and has 2 children, Scarlett and Freddie.
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