Our pro/low bono program provides an opportunity for our people to contribute to building the capacity of not-for-profits and social enterprises, and deliver meaningful and impactful outcomes through their day-to-day work.
A pro or low bono engagement is a formal commitment to a community organisation for the final work product. The team undertaking the engagement is responsible for granting the service, staffing the project and ensuring its timely completion and overall quality, as with any other client engagement.
The program is available to not-for-profit Australian registered charities or social enterprises that have a clear charitable purpose to support on engagements such as:
In FY23, our people provided over 100,000 hours of volunteering, pro bono and low bono time to community based activities.
Complete the enquiry form and a member of our team will be in touch. Each request will be considered based on the current resources and budget availability of our teams.
If you are seeking volunteering support on a more informal basis, check out our volunteering program.
Giving helps our people to support the causes they're passionate about.
PwC OnBoard gives our people the opportunity to use their professional skills to give back to the community.
To solve the complex social issues facing our society, we have unleashed our greatest asset: our people and their time.
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