Our diaspora's got talent

To succeed in Asia, Australia needs to start harnessing the capabilities of our expatriate community in region.

We are living in the Asian century with four of five largest economies predicted to be in Asia within the next 15 years. Australians are making their marks across the world but the reality is they simply don’t work for Australian companies. They are overlooked by policy makers in Australia and passed over by corporates when they choose to return home.

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Our research shows that by 2030:

  • There will be more than 450,000 Australians working abroad Asia
  • Our expatriate community is projected to reach 33 per cent
  • Asia’s growing middle class will reach 3.2 billion
  • 4 of 5 largest economies in the world will be in Asia

We shared the stories of 12 successful expats from Australia who are or have been operating in Asia. We have also included a series of 13 recommendations on what can be done to nurture, develop and leverage this talent pool. 

Some of our recommendations include:

Australia has a real competitive advantage in Asia – our own talent, and it’s time for us to acknowledge this forgotten army.

Contact us

Jason Hayes

Japan Business Network Asia Pacific Leader, Partner, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 407 232 142

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